Daybreak by Maxfield 
Parrish (1870-1966)

Welcome to Ed Sauer's web pages.

Here are the Schools I have attended, jobs I have had and related sites.

Alumni-net webpage - This looks like a cool thang :-)
Rural Elementary School, a Tempe, AZ Public School
Wightman Elementary, a Pittsburgh Public School
Pine Junior High, Pine Township, PA middle school. Good folks, fun time there.
Taylor Allderdice High School - This is the Wikipedia Pittsburgh Public School site for TAHS
Duquesne University - BA in Psychology - Existential Phenomenology - Class of '77
Pitt's Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences - MSIS in Information Science - CogSci, AI, Human Factors, and CS - Class of '87
Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute - Practicum with David Boune's Intelligent Machining Workstation Group - AI, MOPS, cool robotics! Great People!
Rockwell International - Dream Job right out of grad school at Rockwell Space Transportation Systems Division building intelligent robotics for NASA JSC!
Lockheed - Followed the NASA contract to LEMSCO and continued working vision for EVAR.
EVA Retriever Phase 1 demo YouTube link - I was part of the Retriever Team for Phases 1 and 2 and developed the grasping system with Doug Walker, Jeff Hoffman, Frank Gaudiano, Bobby Davis, Reg Dawson, Dago Rodriguez, Frank the magnificent Jar-head Tech, Larry Li, Hai Nguyen, and Anne Murray at Crew and Thermal Systems. I firmly believe that was the best job of my life so far. I miss you guys.
EVA Retriever Phase 2 demo mp4 link - Updated, rotating head, updated NLP command interface new right arm and end effector, tactile and sonar sensors and so much more
PacTel -> AirTouch -> Verizon Wireless - I worked at what was PacTel Cellular in Network Management in the early nineties!
Nextel LA - Managed the NMS group there for Operations for a while. Enjoyed downtown LA and the people I worked with a lot.
Objective Systems Integrators - Wireless NMS, Q3 OMC-R dev and testing, good work, nice folks.
Agilent Technologies - Took over OSI. Decent bunch.
Nextel Communications - back at the mother ship - and happy to be there. Now with the Packet Data group.
Sprint-Nextel - Performance Measurement and Analytics. Good folks. Learning RCATS stuff here.
Digitalbridge Communications - Start up 4G provider. So much to learn, like being back in grad school.
LightSquared - Another Start up 4G provider. Wholesale this time and LTE too. Intense and lots more to learn.
MYCOM OSI - Second tour with OSI and now with a new chain of command. Working on LTE Fault management, some Service Request stuff, and machine learning - joy. Great people to work with all around the globe! Interesting travel as well, Paris, Bergen, Rabat, Dallas.

Contact Info click here , To send me mail click here
Sun Microsystems - The stuff our stuff runs on.